Exclusive survey: What really helps against the summer heat?

We still have not reached the record-breaking temperatures of 40 degrees and more, but especially in the South of Germany these Figures are again this year probably.

To be able to the daily life, nevertheless, without restriction, to deny, it is good strategy to cool down, or the specific handling of the heat ready to rise.

A Civey survey conducted on behalf of FIT FOR FUN has identified a selection of measures to be taken against the summer heat is now the most popular.

The Top 3 measures to be taken against the summer heat

In a period from 24.06. to 26.06.2020 about 5,000 people participated in the survey is about your personal favorite measures to be taken against high temperatures matched.

1. Place: drink a Lot

Drink plenty of has been proven to be a useful and effective strategy to make the summer heat more bearable. With 75.5 per cent a undisputed majority has selected this measure.

An average adult should take two to three liters of fluid a day, as a rule of thumb of 35 milliliters per kilogram of body weight.

Is the heat more liquid due to sweating should be drinking more. This can amount in hot summer periods to the Double of the recommended value.

This is crucial, what is drunk and when. Alcohol should be avoided, since this requires the liquid even increased. Also sugary sodas are not the only thirst-quencher. Unsweetened teas and any Form of water (still, bubbled, infused), however, are ideal.

It should be consumed evenly throughout the day and especially in the morning directly after getting Up, it is important that the overnight fluid deficit.

2. Place: Direct heat, avoid

The second most frequent (47.6 per cent) was elected to the action, indoors or stay in the shade to avoid the direct heat.

The recommendations of the German weather service, this measure makes it to the very top of the list.

Particularly during the Midday and afternoon heat, it is recommended to not to the outdoors.

3. Space: Easier to eat

Only slightly less votes got the strategy, easier-to-eat (45.5 percent).

Salad and fruit are for multiple reasons, a sensible choice at high temperatures. They provide the body with sufficient vitamins and on top of that, additional liquid. This also applies to raw food, as the vegetable loses during cooking is already a lot of water.

Animal protein should be avoided as this stimulates the body’s own heat production.

Image gallery: 20 easy summer recipes

What helps else?

Also popular is the Use of compartments or fans (of 27.6 percent), Swimming (23 percent) and ice cream (17 percent).

And also, these three strategies have the permission of their existence, because they help the body cool off.

Otherwise the body is trying to achieve with sweating.


  • Civey (2020): What are your personal measures against the summer heat?, archived from the original on 26.06.2020 https://widget.civey.com/9639
  • TK – The technician (2019): How much water you should drink? And how are you supposed to do that?, archived from the original on 26.06.2020 https://www.tk.de/techniker/magazin/ernaehrung/trinken/wie-viel-wasser-soll-man-taeglich-trinken-2004796
  • DWD – the German weather service (unknown): recommendations for conduct, in the heat, retrieved on 26.06.2020 https://www.dwd.de/DE/leistungen/hitzewarnung/verhaltensempfehlungen.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=2
  • Hoberg, D. (unknown): heat: drink Plenty of fluids and light food, retrieved on 26.06.2020 https://www.worldsoffood.de/gesundes-und-bio/item/744-hitze-viel-trinken-und-leichter-essen.html
  • Mehner, K. (2018): 10 smart drinking tips for hot days, archived from the original on 26.06.2020 https://www.gesundheit.de/ernaehrung/richtig-trinken/trinken-und-gesundheit/12-trinktipps-fuer-die-heissen-tage

Kimberly Papenthin

*The contribution of “Exclusive survey: What really helps against the summer heat?” is published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.