Mum Lunchbox Shamed After Packing Her Child A Lamington

If ever there were a definitive point that proved mum-shaming had gone way too far, this would definitely be it.

A Melbourne mother has been slammed by her daughter’s school for packing a lamington in her lunchbox.

Speaking to 7News, she claimed the kindergartener wasn’t permitted to finish the snack – which only contained 40 calories – as it didn’t comply with the school’s nutrition standards. 

The lamington was returned uneaten and accompanied by a note reading: “Please don’t send this item in your child’s lunch again.”

Needless to say, the decision has caused a significant stir. Angry parents have flocked to social media to voice their disbelief.

This comes as canteens across the country have adopted the traffic light system, which categorises food based on its nutritional value. Green foods are considered the healthiest, yellow foods are OK to eat on occasion and red foods – including cakes, sweets, fats and soft drinks – aren’t ever recommended. 

And considering that childhood obesity is a growing problem in Australia, on paper this seems like a good idea.

But when it all boils down to a measly 40 calories, we can’t help but feel like the lunchbox police have officially crossed the line.  

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