Stiftung Warentest: never olive oils fared so well

The producers of olive oil pay attention not only to good taste but, in the meantime, the majority of the on the pollutants and the correct marking on the label.

28 olive oils of the highest grade has the Foundation goods test under the microscope.

Never before have so many olive oils performed well. Equal to nine Times the product testers awarded the grade of “good” and can recommend to every third oil of the grade “extra virgin”.

These olive oils were able to convince Stiftung Warentest

The same five products share the first place. To Aldi Süd Bio (6,15 Euro/Liter), Lidl Primadonna Bio (6,20 Euro/litre) of Bertolli Gentile and Bertolli original (both 8,60 Euro/litre), as well as the pure taste of the winner, Castillo de Canena (Bio-Oil-for-45 Euro/Liter) count.

The only two defective products, while, in the midfield, 14 Oils as “satisfactory” and three “adequate” sort.

What makes a good olive oil?

It should contain a balanced mixture of intense notes of Grass and tomato shrub, green Apple and green leaves, and, depending on the preference slightly to the almond, peppers or banana to taste and medium bitter and medium hot.

Undesirable substances in the olive oil found

Both unsatisfactory-rated olive oils are polluted with Oil hydrocarbons, including with a substance that is suspected that he could be a potential carcinogen.

The fabrics might be out of lubricating oil from the tubes, or conveyor belts to the olive oil transferred, explain the experts in their magazine “test” (issue 2/2020). An Oil was additionally oxidized and tasted rancid.

Eleven providers disobeyed the rules on labelling, including three products that come in the taste a “good” and the overall grade of screw up.

You are in breach of the rule that a consumer must recognize in the main field of vision of the label immediately to English, the grade, the type of production and the origin of the Oil.

The testers found no adulterated Oil with inferior olive oil or other Oils, no critical content of pesticides and cancer-causing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

What is the grade of “native extra” to?

According to the EU regulation, olive oil is classified in different quality classes. The highest level of “extra virgin” in Italy “extra-virgin” or “extra virgin” in Spain, reaching only Oils which smell properly, taste and a modicum of fruitiness have.

The countries from which most of the olive oil for Germany comes from?

Our largest source of Oil for Italy, is evaluated ‘test’. The country imported, in addition to its own Harvests, moreover tons of Oil from other countries.

Italian companies mix the Oils are often Blends, with which you can create a constant quality. Other Major importers are Spain and Greece.

Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa)

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