Pandemic uncontrollable?: Coronavirus is transmitted prior to the first symptoms

Four months after the first Corona-cases in Germany, researchers have analyzed the infection chains of the first group of patients in detail.

In the journal “The Lancet Infectious Diseases” published study confirmed that the Infected can already be in front of the first symptoms contagious.

Study by the Berlin Charité analyzed contagion chains

The researchers Merle Böhmer from the Bavarian state office for health and food safety, Udo Buchholz of the Robert Koch Institute, and Victor Corman of the Charité hospital in Berlin examined the nationwide first Corona-cases, in connection with the automotive supplier Webasto in Munich. A Chinese colleague had introduced the Coronavirus in the case of a service trip.

In at least one of a total of 16 cases examined, an Infected have transmitted the Coronavirus before he had symptoms, say the authors. Possibly, this was the case even for five other cases.

In at least four cases of Infected people stuck in that day the symptoms just started. Five more cases could occur in this period, the authors write.

The infectivity was before symptom onset, or shortly thereafter, considerably, meant for health activities is a huge challenge, concludes the Team.

In addition, the incubation period, which amounted to an average of 4.0 days was often very short. “A global containment of Covid-19 could be difficult to achieve,” write the researchers.

Pandemic not only difficult to control

This Jan the Rybnik water and Gerd Fätkenheuer of the University hospital of Cologne in a “Lancet”comment. “This fits in with other results, the frequency of presymptomatic Transfers estimate that up to half of all infections. This is one of the most serious obstacles to the control of the pandemic.”

In the case of a larger spread, the traditional pursuit of contacts is no longer rich. “Therefore, new technologies such as contact-tracking Apps are urgently needed to control the pandemic effectively,” said the Cologne-based experts.

This is also emphasized by Annelies Wilder-Smith of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) in a Statement: The study underline the importance of the pursuit of chains of Transmission by Contact Tracing and quarantine of contacts.

“All the countries that have introduced a rigorous contact tracing, were the most effective to keep the number of new infections are among small. South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Vietnam and Singapore are clear examples of countries that don’t skimp on resources and technology, a rigorous determination of the contact persons. All of them were successful.”


  • Böhmer, M., Buchholz, U., Corman, V. M. Investigation of a COVID-19 outbreak in Germany resulting from a single travel-associated primary case: a case series (2020), The Lancet, DOI:

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