To what time of day is the best training results
Sport has been known to have a variety of positive effects on our health. The results of a recent study found that these seem, however, from the time-of-day of training to hang out. Who is driving early in the morning, sports, scores, therefore, the best results for his health.
A research team at the School of Medicine at the University of California, Irvine (UCI) has investigated the relationship between training effects and the time of the training. The time of day has a significant influence on the effect of the training. The results of the study were published in the journal “Cell Metabolism”.

Effects of time of day, so far, unclear
The research Team, led by Director Paolo Sassone-Corsi has been investigated using mice the Benefit of the training at different times of the Day. From earlier studies it was known that the timing of food intake is an important factor of influence on the metabolism. However, it remained unclear whether the positive effects of exercise are limited to the metabolism may also at certain times of the Day. “Movement stimulates the metabolism and leads to an improvement in metabolic health. While the metabolic benefits have been discovered from physical activities, largely, remained the question, to train when it makes sense, practically unexplored,“ explains study leader Paolo Sassone-Corsi.
Differences in removal and also the fat
“Using mice, we compared the influence of exercise on metabolism to different Tageszeiten“, thus, the study leader, in a press release from the UCI. Using transcriptome and Metabo Lomi analyses identified, the research team marked differences in the metabolism of mice during Training in the early rest phase (night) or early active Phase (in the Morning). Thus, the movement of bodies in the Morning to a higher utilization of carbohydrates and ketone, as well as for the removal of fats and amino acids. “We also noted that the Training at the right time of day – so early in the Morning – to get more oxygen in the cells and the body rejuvenated,“ says Sassone-Corsi.
You train in the Morning!
“Our results clearly show that the time of day is a key factor to the beneficial effects of exercise on both metabolism, to strengthen pathways within the skeletal muscle and to improve the systemic energy homeostasis”, the conclusion of the study Director. If you want to achieve the greatest Benefit for his health with the athletic Exercises, should be, therefore, in the early hours of the morning actively. (fp)