Anal cancer: early signs we should all know!

Anal cancer: is a Relatively high chance of Survival with good treatment

Hardly anyone knows this malicious disease – it is busy but with a lot of shame. If it hits celebrities, is anal cancer back to the forefront. So by the actress Marcia Cross, best known from the series „Desperate Housewives“, the reported openly about suffering. What are the symptoms can be the appearance of as the first to occur, and as a specific therapy about the expert and proctologist Prof. Dr. Dr. Stefan Hillejan from Hanover, informs us.

For many, an unfamiliar topic or even a taboo subject of anal cancer. What are the symptoms of the disease? What is the treatment and early detection methods are available? For this purpose, the expert Prof. (Univ replies. Chisinau) Dr. Dr. Stefan Hillejan, phlebologist and surgeon of the clinic for veins and rectal diseases in Hannover, and Chairman of the professional Association of qualified Medical experts in Germany:

“Anal cancer, anal carcinoma called, understand physician a malignant Tumor of the anus. Only about one out of 100,000 people became ill in his life to anal cancer, so he is one of the more rarer types of cancer. As symptoms of pain during defecation and blood in the stool or on the toilet paper apply similarly to hemorrhoids itching. In these signs the patient should consult is therefore essential that a specialist take a Mast colonoscopy a tissue sample of the affected area and in the laboratory to be examined.

It is anal cancer, the Tumor is removed surgically or radiation therapy is carried out, optionally also in combination. Often the Tumor is removed, only in rare cases, patients may need a colostomy. Moreover, it can lead to bowel incontinence. After completion of the therapy to draw patients to regular medical examinations, to exclude the possibility that the cancer returns. Five years after treatment, the survival rate is comparatively high at about 80 %.“ (sb)