Advert telling medics to go to Australia was ran at the doctors strike

Cheeky advert encouraging striking junior doctors to desert NHS and join Australia crops up ON the picket line (and it was paid for by their Government!)

  • ‘Cheeky’ ad campaign was idea of UK medics who’ve already gone Down Under 
  • READ MORE: ANOTHER 200k appointments at risk from new junior medic strike

Australia is now deploying ‘cheeky’ ads to poach striking NHS medics directly from the picket line. 

Mobile billboards featuring tantalizing images of crystal-clear waters and stunning bush hikes were posted outside St George’s Hospital in London.

The recruitment blitz, paid for by the South Australian Government, touted how UK medics could get a better work-life balance down under. It is also offering one-off cash payments of up to £8,000 to help medics relocate. 

‘Take your health career to South Australia and work-life balance at its best. We can help with relocation costs,’ the ad read.

The ad campaign, MailOnline can reveal, was requested by UK medics who already made the move. 

The ad campaign run by the South Australian Government which visited the British Medical Association picket lines at St George’s Hospital in London yesterday 

The ads featured 50/50 images of medics balancing work with amazing pictures of the Aussie lifestyle with text saying ‘discover work-life balance at its best’ and offering financial assistance to relocate  

South Australia is also running a targeted social media campaign looking for British medics complaining about pay online and posting this glossy ad which features images of both working surfing alongside an offer of up to £8,000 to help with relocation costs

Dozens of striking junior doctors from the British Medical Association (BMA), which held the first day of a new 72-hour walkout over pay yesterday, would have seen the ad.

It featured 50/50 images of medics enjoying the Australian lifestyle and working in a hospital with the captions ‘For Work. For Lifestyle’.

A link and QR code on the billboard go to a health staff recruitment page run by the South Australian Government, where interested medics provide their details to apply for jobs.

MailOnline can also today reveal, however, that the South Australian Government is trawling through British junior doctor’s social media profiles looking for medics who are complaining about NHS pay.

They reply with a video ad featuring starry skies, surfing and wine-tasting intermixed with images of medics working in a hospital.

Junior doctors in the UK are currently embarking on a 3-day walkout in a long-running dispute with Government over pay

South Australia’s health minister Chris Picton admitted both ad campaigns were their own on Australian Broadcast Corporation radio in Adelaide.  

‘Not only are we replying to tweets but we’ve also, overnight, had some trucks out with electronic billboards outside their protests and their picket lines outside hospitals,’ he said. 

Mr Picton also revealed the inspiration behind the ‘cheeky’ ads actually came from British medics who already made the move to Australia. 

‘A few weeks ago, a number of our junior doctors who work in SA Health came to me,’ he said.

‘[They] really enjoy working here and want to see more people from the UK make the trip here and suggested we step up our game in terms of these more cheeky tactics.’

Yesterday was just the first of a three day walkout by junior doctors from the BMA, the latest in a long-running dispute with ministers over pay.

More than half a million NHS appointments in England have been cancelled due to health service strikes since December, official figures show

Health officials have warned that another 200,000 appointments and operations may be cancelled because of the latest strike, adding to 500,000 already lost from similar industrial action since December. 

Junior doctors are taking to the picket lines in pursuit of a 35 per cent pay rise they argue is needed to address years of below inflation pay rises and stop the NHS bleeding medics to places like Australia. 

Despite the protracted dispute there is little sign of an imminent compromise with the latest BMA survey finding almost half (53 per cent) of the nearly 2,000 who took part suggesting they were thinking about leaving the NHS as a result of the Government’s response to industrial action. 

It is understood BMA negotiators proposed a multi-year settlement, which would have seen doctors below the rank of consultant receive a 49 per cent boost between 2021 and 2024 at the latest failed round of negotiations with Government. 

The South Australian Government was contacted for comment.  

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