Get fit for free: Walking

What does it involve?

Putting your shoes on and walking. Simple as that. It’s not walking as you know it, though. This is a smooth, fluid technique that focuses on postural alignment, enabling you to recruit the right muscles in the right way at the right time. In turn, this increases your speed, giving you a better cardiovascular workout, resulting in improved muscle tone and a mood-boosting endorphin release.

The Walkactive programme consists mostly of short walking sessions of 10 minutes and upwards. Some sessions will focus purely on technique rather than pace – this is because you need to master the technique if you want to see positive results. Used correctly, this walking method will change the way you walk: you will be using your entire body to propel you forwards smoothly and efficiently. As a result, a faster pace will come naturally and the number of steps you take per minute will increase significantly.

Adjusting your stride takes some time to learn and needs to be practised to ensure that you are doing it correctly and safely. If you don’t get to grips with the correct technique, then it doesn’t matter how many steps you take, you won’t feel or see the benefits of regular walking. The plan is designed to build up the technique in layers by isolating each skill and practising it before adding the next one.

You’ll love this if …

You want to increase your cardiovascular fitness, tone up your legs, buttocks, waist, abdomen and arms without the inconvenience of working up a sweat, changing and showering midway through your day.

This programme can easily be incorporated into your daily routine. It’s also suitable for anyone, at any stage of life. Older people sometimes feel they’ve left it too late, but it really is never too late to start and there are no upper age limits: it’s even safe for those with troublesome joints or those recovering from a sports injury.

Walking your way to fitness is also great for those simply in need of a daily mood-boost – research shows that a brisk daily walk can help alleviate mild depression.

This isn’t for you if …

You’re the kind of person that doesn’t feel like you’ve had a proper workout without sweating buckets. This plan is purposefully designed so that you fit more movement into your daily life, rather than struggling to spend a few hours working up a sweat in the gym each week. Also, if you are pregnant or have a serious injury you should consult a doctor before starting the Walkactive plan.

Motivate yourself by …

▶ Running through the technique in your mind every few minutes whenever you’re walking. Start from your feet and ankles, and work your way upwards to your head and neck and finish with your arms. Your walking will eventually be fast and dynamic, but smooth and relaxed.

▶ Looking ahead at your week and scheduling in your walking sessions, either mentally or by writing them in your diary. The programme is designed for flexibility, so it’s not the end of the world if you don’t stick to it precisely. If you have to miss a day, try to ensure that it’s a pace day, rather than a technique day.

▶ Incorporating sessions into your daily life. Use any opportunity to walk, be it pavement pounding during your lunch break or collecting the kids from school on foot.

▶ Organising a walk with friends. Walking is a really social activity and if you’re doing it with friends, you’re much less likely to find an excuse to stay indoors.

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