Beautiful legs like a Ballerina: 7 Exercises for firm thighs and a tight bum

Defined legs and a nice toned Butt – the a lot of women want. Especially dancers get almost automatically through your workouts.

All who wish are also so beautiful trained legs like a Ballerina, should definitely take a look at the new Workout from Fitness Queen Maddie Lymburner.

Here is the sporty blonde shows a Workout that is inspired by various dance and ballet exercises – the focus is to strengthen the legs and to define.

Legs like a dancer with these Exercises

A lot of women include the abdomen, your legs and Butt to your problem areas, so these regions are particularly happy to be trained.

To bring some variety in your Training, is the ballet dance inspired Workout is particularly good.

In addition, the Exercises have an additional advantage: you can easily from home by powers – a ballet bar, you don’t need.

Just grab your Yoga Mat or similar and place it near a wall.

Here’s how: Each of the Exercises will be performed for 45 seconds. Between 15 seconds of rest to each other. All the Exercises are repeated in two rounds.

1. Calf Raises

The first Exercise is perfect to have in the Workout report. You place hip distance on your pad, and turn your toes outward, heels touching. In the ballet, this position is the first Position and is the reason for the style of dance postures.

You are now on the tip of your toes – Express yourself as far up as possible, and then come slowly back into the end position.

If you have problems with the balance or the Balance, you may, during this Exercise, like on a wall or something Similar to hold.

2. Sumo Squat

For the next Exercise, you place your legs a little further – the tip of your toes point out. Welcome to the second of ballet-basic positions.

Now you’re going out in the knee and lead to knee-bend, which you determined from your usual leg workouts are known for. In the ballet this Exercise Plié is called. Your arms you can lead to a better balance over your head.

In the last 20 seconds of the Exercise, you repeat the execution then in small pulses – here you can stretch out your arms at your side.

3. Squats on toes

For the next Exercise you can stay for the time being, in the Position – stand legs apart and the toes point outwards.

You are now on your toes and get in the Squat Position. In order to keep the balance, can you place your arms before your torso or over your head.

From the Squat Position, you then get back on and follow your verses on the floor again.

4. Squat with Attitude Position

The next Exercise is to bend a mix of the popular knee and the so-called Attitude Position in ballet – here the dancer stands on one leg, the other is lifted to the rear, to the side or to the front, where the knee of the Spielbeins is bent.

For this Exercise, you put yourself down in the Squat Position. As soon as you raise your body, you stretch a leg in the Attitude Position in ballet to the rear. You can move your arms. Important: In the case of the Attitude not in the hollow cross, but from the butt muscles work.

In the last ten seconds, the Attitude, Position, and raise and lower the rear leg with small pulses.

Don’t forget, after the first 45 seconds, repeat the Exercise with the other side.

5. Grand Battements

Stand for the next Exercise, parallel to a wall on the tips of the toes. Your Arm, you can either to the side to stretch out or above the head depending on what is for you more pleasant.

Stretch your leg straight and swing fully to the front of the leg and the toe by means of stretched. Repeat this to the side and to the rear, then back to the side and to the front.

Make sure you anspannst your Butt particularly well and the upper body quiet stop. An additional challenge of this Exercise is to try to stay during the whole execution on the tips of your toes.

Repeat the Exercise, then the other side.

6. Scissor Kicks

Lie down for this Exercise to your situation and stretch your legs at a 90-degree angle upwards in the air, your lower back moves actively down into the Mat.

Crosses do not swing your legs four Times, alternately front and back in small pulses – you need far.

After the fourth repetition you open your legs a far as it is possible for you. You lead then controlled again and again the cross-hole pulses once again.

7. Extended Donkey Kicks

Go for this Exercise in the quadruped support you stand on your knees and your hands, the back remains straight.

Track now one leg straight to the rear in the height and then stopped, stretched on the floor, so that your toes touch the floor.

Repeat this step, and go back to the starting position. Now you lift the leg slightly to the side – this Time it’s bent, however, only if it is at the highest point has arrived, from you stretch it.

The stomach should be tense in this Exercise, permanently, the navel pulls inward.

In this way, you’ll take your leg back into the end position. Then you perform the Exercise on the other side.

Antonia Hagedorn

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