Susan Boyle Opens Up On How Asperger’s Syndrome Affected Her Life

It’s been 10 years since the operatic pop singer Susan Boyle gained international recognition after her participation in Britain’s Got Talent‘s third series. As she celebrates her journey so far, she says that it feels like a dream coming true. For her, the most surprising thing is that she reached this far and still goes on even after such a long time.

About fame, this Scottish singing artist has a different perspective as she doesn’t consider it to be her motivator in life. Rather, she has this beautiful thought of singing just for spreading joy and happiness among people by entertaining them.

Susan admits that instant popularity always brings along a fear of losing it quickly and the same thing happened with her in the initial years of success when she used to worry about its overnight disappearance. Perhaps this is the main reason that she finds it shocking to have made it till now.

Through all these years, the vocalist has developed a strong attachment with the audiences but there is one aspect of her life where she expects a bit more understanding from her fans.

For those who don’t know, Susan has Asperger’s syndrome which is a type of autism. She says that people who have an awareness about this health condition understand why she gets overwhelmed even by small things or feels anxious about them. What bothers her is when people don’t know what Asperger’s is all about and end up misunderstanding or judging her because of that.

People who are diagnosed with this problem are not intellectually challenged but they face emotional struggles. On coming to terms with it, Susan adds that she is learning to talk about the things that upset or bother her which helps her in dealing with such situations in a better way.

At present, the singing star has been working on her latest album Ten and is completely optimistic about her career in the coming days.

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