On clumsy, cobbled and twisted it, at the autumn stroll üabout a Branch, stumbled, and the ankle joint ­ is;unnatübitterly twisted. The elastic Bäthe stabilize the joint, überdehnt, sometimes reißa en you in whole or in part.
On hämost often it is the dreiteilige Außenband. With unpleasant consequences: The Knöchel hurts, swells, and verfäblä rbt itself;ulich, because small Blutgefäße are violated.
First aid in accordance with the PITCH control
To limit the damage Ä recommend;doctors right after the mishap four Sofortmaßtook – grouped under the PITCH-rule. P fü is;r break (relief), E für ice (Kümiss), C für Compression (engl.: Pressure) and H für bearings. "So Blutergü can;sse, swelling and pain significantly reduzieren", Professor Martin Engelhardt, chief doctor of the clinic fü says;r Orthopäthe, accident and hand surgery at the Klinikum Osnabrück. Recreational athletes should always have a cool pack and elastic in Bind. Also a pain ointment is useful.
The patients köcan so much to do. However, according to the Bent, to assess whether Bäor ripped kö are dragged, ;you may not be able to. "If a Bäcrack übersehen, and is not treated, it can remain in the joint is permanently unstable and verschleißt prematurely due to chronic Fehlbelastungen", erklärt expert Engelhardt.
Control to the doctor
Therefore, Affected mö should;as far as possible in a timely manner to a doctor &ndash visit; even if the pains have subsided after initial treatment. The doctor überprüzunä ft;first, whether the joint lä move normal;sst. "The state of the Bä- better to judge köcan we arrange for stämore powerful rotations with Blutergüand severe pain is also a Kernspintomografie", Engelhardt says. With Röntgenauf took Knochenbrü can;che ausschließen.
Even if a Band is cracks, genüit gt in most Fäcases, to provide the joint with a plaster or a lower leg rail is quiet. After one to two weeks köcan Affected strain your ankle with a Gehschiene carefully. A anschließend of coordination training under physiotherapy guidance prevents re-injury.
Sports überstüshorten the
And when dümay drive the patient back to sports? "Fully loaded, the joint is only several months after the Verletzung", Orthopäde Engelhardt emphasizes. Prior to that, only gentle exercise is recommended; the athletes stü should;Chairman of bandages to wear. After three to six months überprüthe attending physician ft the success of this conservative Therapiemaß.
When an Operation nötig is
Several Bä are;of the injured, or even from the bone demolished, rates Ädoctors häfrequently to surgery. Especially, if, in addition to the Außen – the interior band, or the band that connects the tibia and fibula is affected.
Or if the requirements of the joint in everyday life or in the occupation of the patient, particularly groß . Engelhardt: "In the case of performance athletes, which are exposed to the joints to extreme loads, should be reconstructed the ligaments surgically, the Stabilitäto improve t."