Coronavirus: Heinsberg-study raises hopes of easing restrictions

Researchers hold according to the first investigations in the most affected district of Heinsberg the start of a loosening of the strict Coronavirus-measures for possible.

A prerequisite is, however, that, for example, the Hygiene and other rules of conduct would continue to be strictly followed. “We have learned, how we behave hygienically correct,” said the virologist Hendrik Streeck on Thursday in Düsseldorf.

It is possible, “in a Phase two” to enter.

Study shows spread of the Coronavirus

The scientists from the University of Bonn studied together with other experts on behalf of the state government, such as the Coronavirus in the district of Heinsberg has spread.

In the point of view is Gangelt, especially the municipality, the epicenter of the Coronavirus pandemic there. In the place had been infected after a carnival session in mid-February, hundreds of citizens with the novel Virus.

The Region has already had developments, which can be in other places still. This makes them an interesting object of study.

Also, the curve of Infection flattens out here already. “The district of Heinsberg escaped a huge disaster,” said district chief Stephan Pusch (CDU).

The scientists who have been researching for about two weeks, found that 15 percent of the surveyed citizens of a Corona-infection could be detected – some with mild cases or without symptoms.

These people would have developed an immunity. For comparison: On the day when the study was started, were counted in the district of Heinsberg, officially, only about 1250 of proven disease – with around 250,000 inhabitants.

The probability of dying from the disease, was the preliminary Figures show that 0.37 per cent, based on the total number of Infected.

In Germany, currently of the American Johns Hopkins University calculated the corresponding Rate amounts to 1.98% and is five times higher, according to the researchers.

The scientists stressed, however, that one could not expect, therefore, to automatically assume that the total number of Infected in Germany is five times higher than accepted. For this assessment it was still too early.

Policy discussed easing of the Corona-measures

North Rhine-Westphalia’s Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU), said the study is another building block for the decision on the easing of restrictions.

Like this look, will be discussed in the coming week with German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the Minister presidents of the Länder.

“The scientists tell us: do it one way or the other”, said Laschet. “But you will give us another building block to the Hand.”

In a under the direction of the country day to the results of the study, said Laschet, a little later, for the public life after Easter gently in an “acceptable normality” due to the.

“There is nothing more to be like before,” he said. “But there is so much as possible, will arise from our freedoms again – in a new consideration, a new responsibility, and in the distance.”

Who contributed to the study Hygiene Professor Martin Exner considers it to be possible, including Abitur examinations, to hold, if, for example, Hygiene measures are complied with.

Otherwise, he estimates that the situation in care homes. There continues to be a “restrictive policy had to be” maintained.

It could not be ruled out “that a longer period of abstinence must be obtained to the most vulnerable groups of the population to be maintained.”

Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa)

*The article “Coronavirus: Heinsberg-study raises hopes of easing restrictions” is published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.