Allergy treatment with bioresonance therapy

The most effective method of bioresonance therapy has shown in the fight against allergies. Allergic diseases can appear regardless of age and gender, manifesting themselves as temporary symptoms that will disappear after the disappearance of the allergen. The main causes of allergies can be considered a variety of factors, but primarily – allergens. Even though all people are prone to allergic reactions, some suffer from them much more than everyone else.

Among the most common allergens: grass pollen, animal hair, citrus fruits, etc. Using an electronic device, the vibrational information of this substance can be converted and sent to the human body.
According to the laws of physics, the superposition of a wave with its exact mirror image leads to its extinction. But immediately it is impossible to cope with the allergen. This is due to the complex structure of the human body. For this reason, this process must be repeated. Then, the allergen information gradually weakens and, as a result, completely fades away. But this is only possible if the allergen is precisely identified and there is a “source of oscillation”. It is important to know that eliminating an allergic reaction to one substance does not at all mean a complete cure for an allergy tendency.

Sensitiv Imago devices have proven themselves for the bioresonance therapy of allergies (also known as MORA).

A huge advantage of the MORA-diagnosis of allergies is the high accuracy of determination, which not only determines the substance or product that causes an allergy but also diagnoses a specific substance or element that provokes an allergic reaction.

Unlike toxic antihistamines and hormonal drugs, MORA therapy acts on the root cause of the disease. The goal of treatment is not a temporary relief of symptoms, but a solution to the problem and a complete cure for allergies.

Bioresonance therapy is also used for bronchial asthma. Comprehensive course treatment allows achieving a stable remission without pharmacological drugs with a lot of side effects. In severe asthma, patients may be recommended repeated courses for complete control of the disease and the prevention of relapse.