Self-blood therapy

What is an autologous blood therapy?

For a self-blood therapy, the Practitioner, or the practitioner takes a little bit of blood from a vein. It is then injected directly under the skin or into a muscle. Alternatively, the blood is transferred to the sampling first of all, with different substances or homeopathically prepared, before it is again introduced into the body. This can be done by injection (syringe), but also through oral ingestion.

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The Autohemotherapy or autohaemotherapy was documented at the beginning of the twentieth century by the surgeon August beer in Germany for the first time. Beer, because, he said, to the healing of bone fractures to accelerate. The autohemotherapy is part of the charm therapies. These are assigned to the alternative medical procedures. In this type of therapy is worked with various Stimuli, which the body is exposed to, for example, in the Form of heat, cold, or homeopathic remedies. This is to stimulate the self-healing powers.

In Autohemotherapy the course consists of stimulus resulted in a tiny amount of their own blood. Since the blood was for a short time outside the body, and
some blood components have changed as a result, the body not more than body’s own part, but treated it as a foreign substance. Thus, different reactions are to be initiated, which will eventually lead to a cure. The autologous blood therapy is used, among other things, in the case of pollen Allergy and hay fever, atopic dermatitis, and acute or chronic inflammation.

Important note: The self-blood therapy may only be administered by Doctors or Physicians as well as alternative practitioners or medical practitioners applied. You ask if in doubt your family doctor or your family doctor, whether your own blood treatment is in your case is advisable and whether there are any health aspects, which speak against it.

Types of autologous blood therapy

In the case of the self-blood therapy, there are various methods of execution. In the most is first removed from a small amount of blood from the arm. Then this blood is supplied to the body either untreated or in various Ways dealt with. This is usually done intramuscularly (the blood is injected into a muscle) or subcutaneously (the blood is injected directly under the skin). The most types of application widely used, we present the following short.

Unmodified Autologous Blood

For the treatment with the same level of your own blood, a small amount of venous blood is removed and the body then re-fed. This is usually done in the Form of an intramuscular injection (intramuscular); often it is used, for example, the gluteal muscle. Normally, the extracted quantity of blood is the first treatment with 0.5 Milliliter to one Milliliter. In the case of the following treatments, the amount of blood can be increased slowly to up to five milliliters.

Own-blood therapy with various additives

Here, the blood to be attached to various accessories, before it is supplied to the body again.

For example, you can add the blood of a homeopathic remedy. The choice of the Means calculated from the initial position of the patient or of the patient and the desired therapeutic effect. As Echinacea (purple coneflower) is used, for example, to strengthen the immune system, often in the Form of a homeopathically prepared solution for injection.

Further additives that can be added to the blood, oxygen or ozone. This is supposed to be, for example, in the case of blood circulation disorders is helpful.

Potentized Own Blood (Autologous Blood Nosode)

In this Form of autologous blood therapy for the patient, or the patient is taken from a drop of blood. This is then potentized according to homeopathic rules. The doctrine of homeopathy, which assumes that a raw material is more stronger, the more it was diluted. By dilution and Succussion to reach a potentiation of the starting compound, i.e., from a homeopathic point of view, increased effectiveness.

In the case of a D-potency is diluted in a ratio of 1:10, in the case of a C-potency, the dilution is in a ratio of 1:100. So, for example, to a drop of blood to ten drops of alcohol, shaken in steps both ten Times with each other, and thereby obtains the potency of D1. From this prepared solution is one drop in ten drops of alcohol and ten Times shaken. This results in the potency of D2, and so on. C-get powers, you would shake each Time with a hundred drops of alcohol verse, until the desired potency is reached.

The choice of the appropriate potency depends on the type of the disease and health situation of the patient or of the patient and belongs in the hands of a in homeopathy experienced therapist or a seasoned therapist.

The potentiated own blood is taken orally, and is not administered by injection. Therefore, it is mainly used for children to use or, for example, in the case of people who have a fear of needles.

Note: alternative practitioners and naturopaths are not allowed to produce in Germany, for legal reasons, homeopathic remedies. This also includes the preparation of an autologous blood nosode. This should only be done by an authorized manufacturer made.

Hemolyzed Autologous Blood

In this application, the form of own or autologous blood therapy, the red blood cells (erythrocytes) are broken down in the extracted blood before it is supplied to the body again. This is achieved by the addition of sterile, distilled water.

Administration of acupuncture or pain points

Some of the handler inside and the handler of the image depending on the illness, certain points on the body in which you inject the autologous blood after collection. This can be well-known acupuncture points, or Points at which an increased sensitivity to pain.

How does self-blood therapy?

A scientific evidence for the effectiveness of the treatment with own blood, there is not yet. This is not the case with many alternative medical methods, means, however, that these therapies are actually ineffective. It means only that so far, none of the school of medicine accepted evidence for their healing presence effect.

An explanation for the possible effect of the own blood therapy is the following: regardless of whether taken orally or injected their own blood, both variants of the body is exposed to the smallest Stimuli. In the case of the injection of autologous blood in a bruise (hematoma) at the injection site. As a result, the surrounding tissue is irritated and it comes to reactions such as slight swelling and redness, so a local inflammation. These can expand as a weak infection on the entire body. The immune system is responding and you have to deal with the invading stimulus, i.e. the own blood.

The leukocyte number is increased, there will be an increased formation of antibodies and phagocytic cells (phagocytes), possibly the body temperature rises even a little. In Parallel, a healing process is initiated with the actual disease. This is the view of the supporters and followers of this alternative medicine form of therapy that the activated immune system will not be stimulated by the treatment so that it fights only the compound stimulus of the now as a foreign covered own blood””, but also a whole range of actual pathogens such as various bacteria and viruses.

Sometimes it may happen that after the first injection or oral ingestion of a so-called initial aggravation occurs. This means that the symptoms worsen for the time being, which should, however, change rapidly into the opposite.

It is an Allergy treatment, is seen here self-blood therapy as a so-called Training for the immune system. The immune system is to be brought to not “overreact”, as this is an Allergy of the case, but again, a normal defense power. In the treatment of pollen Allergy and hay fever should be sure to start the case with the self-blood therapy. In addition, it is recommended to use with any type of Allergy in the first treatment, the lowest possible dose, in order to test how strong the reaction of the body fails individually. So the risk of allergic shock can be reduced.

How often is the own blood therapy should be carried out?

The duration and frequency of administration depends on the clinical picture of the patient or of the patient. In the case of acute diseases should have a common application with the increasing amount of blood proven, in the case of chronic diseases, the gap between the applications to be larger, and the injected amount of blood to be low. In some cases, it is administered daily self-blood, in others just about every two weeks. An average of approximately eight to ten treatments total.

Areas of application

Autologous blood therapies can be used, for example, in the case of allergies or bronchial Asthma. Also in the case of a weakened immune system treatment with their own blood to be helpful. On diseases such as neurodermatitis (atopic eczema), Psoriasis (psoriasis), various fungal infections, rheumatic and chronic inflammatory processes and disorders of blood circulation, the use of self-blood therapy should also have a positive influence. Please talk with your doctor or your treating Doctor about the possible risks and potential Benefits, before you decide for a self-blood therapy.

When should not be used in the self-blood therapy?

The autologous blood therapy should not be used in blood coagulation disorders, phlebitis, acute bleeding and severely debilitating diseases and when taking corticosteroids, Blood thinners or immunosuppressants. Your doctor or your treating Doctor can advise you individually as to whether in your case a self-blood therapy is allowed and makes sense. (sw, kh)

Beer, Bach, Elvira (Hrsg.): Natural healing in practice today. Textbook and Atlas. Elsevier GmbH, Urban & Fischer Verlag, München, 4. Edition 2009.