‘Blind vagina’ condition strikes patients and leaves them unable to have sex

Women have been diagnosed with “blind vagina”.

And by this, we don’t mean that they’re unable to pick an attractive sexual partner.

The medical condition affects the vaginal canal – which can make it difficult for patients to have sex.

A British Medical Journal article shed light on the problem.

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Scientists explained that “blind” vagina describes when the vaginal canal is smaller than it should be.

This occurs when the reproductive system doesn’t fully develop in the womb.

In the paper, an unnamed 20-year-old patient had an opening of just 2cm.

The Pakistani woman told doctors that the condition made it difficult for her to have penetrative sex with her husband.

So in a bid to solve this issue, surgeons got to work.

In order to cure the ‘blind vagina’, surgeons reconnected the patient’s reproductive system.

The paper explains: “The patient underwent vaginal surgery during which septum resection was done, and amnion grafting was performed to prevent stricture formation.”

Thankfully, this procedure was a success.

Not only was the patient able to have sex, she was also able to conceive a child.

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The journal adds: “The patient resumed successful coitus three months after surgery.

“There was no discomfort on coitus.

“She conceived seven months later.

“Following this, the patient delivered a healthy baby boy through caesarean section at term.”

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