Rage-Post of a nurse: Your Clap can put you anywhere else

70,000 Times the Post has been written, the Nina Magdalena Böhmer on Facebook, shared. And he continues to spread relentlessly in the social media. If such a post goes viral – a strange expression these days – is always a sure sign that he has hit a nerve. The Text of Boehmer is especially true of those who work in the health system, preparing for the great wave of Covid-19-patient or and now are faced with.

Böhmer is a nurse in Berlin and has made it to Facebook to vent their Anger. Anger about the lack of equipment, poor pay, bad working conditions and the sometimes hypocritical-acting, thanks to the population of the hospital staff now receive. In some cities, people stand on their balconies and cheer for the employees in the health sector.

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A nice gesture but not enough, says Nina Magdalena Böhmer. “Your Clapping can tell you otherwise, where to put it honestly …I’m saying sorry for it, but if you want to help or how much we show want value help us for better conditions to fight then!”, she writes.

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The health system is due to the spread of the Coronavirus to the limits of its capacity, the people like Böhmer get to feel now. In her Facebook entry, she reports that she and her colleagues must use the same equipment for several patients, they also work to contact Covid-19-patients. “And now we no longer have to go into quarantine after contact, we can be called in for work, says the RKI! Those who recommend to stay at home due to the dangerous Virus!”, adds to it.

Clap for nurses? “Under a Petition, write better”

Harsh criticism she also practices on the Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn. “We are now going to be the hero and be treated like this? Actually, right now, all nurses should quit your Job!”, writes Boehmer. “It makes me so angry! We are, however, no other genus of man, we have no super powers. And we can have as many infect others,” explains Boehmer in an article for the “daily mirror” more.

Applause from the balconies, not enough for her, the Job should be better paid, she says. “I know he’s meant as a nice gesture. But believe me: There is absolutely nothing changed,” she writes in the “daily mirror”. “If you want to help us, then, claps, sings, under a Online write better petitions and selects the parties who work for us. I will tell only so much: Jens Spahn, it is not.”

Sources: Nina Magdalena Böhmer on Facebook / the “daily mirror”

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