Although the European Union has decided to abolish daylight savings time, but the semi-annual Ritual takes place. On Sunday, the 27. October, reset the watch at three in the morning for an hour, so again, two o’clock.
While some people say that the time to trigger transition at a week-long Mini-jet lag, others appear not impressed. How can that be?
Scientists have been working for a Long time with the health impact of the watch rotation, especially with the changeover to the summer time. Until ten years ago, as well as all of the studies came to the result: problems such as sleep disorders, at the latest, fixed within one to two weeks.
In more recent research, however, there are indications that the biological rhythm harmonized in some people, a little slower – so a report of the office of technology assessment at the German Bundestag from the year 2016.
The lack of harmony between the inner clock and the Outer
The time switch interrupts the adaptation to the seasonal changes. “By switching, you will be forced to move, Waking up to a hour ahead or to the rear. Therefore, the harmony between the Outer and the inner clock messed up device,” says Gregor Eichele. The head of the Department of genes and behavior, Max-Planck-Institute for biophysical chemistry is concerned with how molecules influence the biological rhythm. The hour shift will be particularly noticed by the people who have a regular sleep rhythm, so Eichele.
The inner clock of humans can be many processes in cycles of approximately 24 hours to run – for example, changes in body temperature and blood pressure, secretion of hormones and the sleep-Wake rhythm.
If the time change disrupts sleep: after a few days of lack of sleep, most people are unfocused, forgetful, and they react measurably slower. A couple of tips that can help to avoid the Mini-jet lag can be found here.