Couple branded ‘serial killers’ after admitting quirky bedroom routine

We all know which side of the bed we prefer to sleep on.

While some prefer to be close to the door, others feel happier snuggled up by a wall or window.

And as many of us are creatures of habit, a couple caused a stir when they revealed they swap sides every evening.

When their admission went viral on Twitter, commenters joked the pair were “scary” and “serial killers”.

Jeff Stein shared details of the quirky bedroom habit on Twitter.

The journalist revealed: “Several months ago, a couple we are friends with said they don’t sleep on the same side of the bed every night.

“As in, every night when they get into bed, they don’t know who will sleep on which side.

“Still blows my mind.”

The post has since racked up 88,000 likes and thousands – and people can’t get over the nighttime ritual.

One responder asked: “Do they switch their chargers? Books? Pillows? This is giving me anxiety.”

And another equally confused commenter added: “Do they keep the same pillow and move it to the new side?”

Others were quick to brand the side swapping “scary”.

A Twitter user joked: “There’s only one conclusion to be drawn: your friends are serial killers.”

Another admitted: “These people scare me.”

A third added: “I’m anxious just reading this.

“I sleep alone in a King and still wouldn’t dream of sleeping on the other side of it.”

While the vast majority of commenters thought the sleeping arrangement was baffling, others saw nothing wrong with it.

One responder defended: “I always have the best nights sleep when I do this randomly!”

Another Twitter user, a psychiatrist, insisted: “It’s a mindfulness exercise to truly appreciate the experience of sleep every night.”

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