Precaution: Doctors urge the liver Screening

Infection with Hepatitis C and B viruses, a poor diet and too much alcohol can damage the liver. The Treacherous: A sick liver causes hardly any symptoms. Because early detection of missing programs that are liver disease is often only discovered when they are already far advanced. Experts want to change that.

Liver diseases are usually over a long period of pain – and symptom-free. "To the beginning of a maximum of nonspecific symptoms such as fatigue and a Problem with the liver hin", Professor Dr. med explains. Frank Lammert, President of the German society for gastroenterology, digestive and metabolic diseases (DGVS). Many of those Affected don’t know at all how bad it is your largest internal Organ. On the occasion of world Hepatitis day on 28. July to experts of the DGVS, therefore, detection of structured early programs for the liver.

Damage to the organ of elimination and detoxification are still left untreated, can have serious consequences: inflammation on the scarring to a dangerous cirrhosis of the liver. "The average life expectancy of these patients is ten to 20 years lower than that of the Gesamtbevölkerung", Lammert says. Because of the cirrhosis, the risk for a liver is increasing failure or the development of liver cancer.

The liver can be detected damage in a timely manner, you are in many cases curable, because the liver has a large regenerative capacity. "Late such as liver failure and liver cancer could be avoided in many cases. However, when a treatment is begun wird", the physician emphasized.

Liver values are not part of the Check-up 35

The DGVS-experts criticize that the determination of liver values is currently not part of the "Check-up 35" is. The screening program is open to all legally insured patients between 18 and 34 years, from 35. Birthday to be repeated every three years. To change this, by Doctors and researchers in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate and in the Saarland is currently the SEAL-study (Structured Early detection of Asymptomatic cirrhosis of the liver). Here is a data-base, so that the liver values in all patients will in future be tested on a routine basis. The study will run until December 2020, then the researchers evaluate how many participants through the investigation of liver damage could be detected early.

Unhealthy Ernäcurrency, alcohol and infections

Liver damage can have very different causes. Most commonly, they are due now to our unhealthy diet. But also to rare genetic factors, taking certain medications, excessive alcohol consumption or infection with Hepatitis viruses can cause liver damage.


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