
The carbohydrate to limit recording on a längereren period to a Minimum, can help the body to burn effective fat.

This so-called Keto-diet, for more on healthy fats and plenty of protein is set, it is thanks to their effectiveness, a growing popularity.

As a recent study from Yale University shows, this coal a waiver of hydrate, however, not only help you lose weight, but especially during the Flu season yet, a further positive impact.

Keto-diet, you can fight the flu virus

The result of a study on mice that shows in the journal ‘Science of Immunology’ was released, that Follow the Keto diet can assist the body, flu, to combat viruses.

The Experiment on the animals is clear: The animals that were fed with ketogenem feed, were able to fend off the flu virus better than mice, the carbohydrate-rich were given the food.

A ketogenic diet helps therefore not only to reduce the weight, but also strengthens the immune system from the inside.

Surprising effect of the Keto diet

“This was a totally unexpected discovery,” says Co-Senior author and Professor of Immunobiology, Akiko Iwasaki in a statement.

The research was the idea of two laboratory-trainees, which are employed in different researches with the so-called inflamma omen.

These are protein complexes in the body, the adverse reactions of the immune system can trigger.

An author of the study, Emily Goldberg, has been involved in a research that shown that a ketogenic diet blocks the formation of these inflamma omen. From this discovery, the idea to study the effect of Keto diet on the flu was.

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Better defence against the virus

The research shows that the ketogenic diet is activated when you Reach the ketosis a certain sub-group of T-cells in the Luge – the so-called Gamma-Delta T-cells.

So far, these cells have not been placed yet with the reaction of the immune system to Influenza virus. Thanks to the recent study, you now know that you can even take action against a harmful Virus.

In addition, the Keto-diet improves the production of mucus in the respiratory cells, resulting in the body urgent viruses better absorption of can be.

Interaction with T-cells in the body

Also that the positive effect of the carbohydrate depends on poor nutrition in fact, with the T-cells, were able to confirm the scientists.

Mice that were bred without the Gamma-Delta T-cells encoded Gene, were not protected by the ketogenic diet before the Virus than the rest of the animals.

“This study shows that the way how the body burns fat to produce ketone body, strengthen the immune system and a flu infection can fight,” says the Co-author VICha Deep Dixit.


  • Goldberg, E., et al. (2019): Ketogenic diet activates protective γδ T cell responses against influenza virus infection, retrieved on 18.11.2019
  • Yale news (2019): Ketogenic diet helps tame flu virus, accessed on 18.11.2019

Cornelia Bertram

*The post “how to Remove & flu prevention: study shows the surprising effect of the Keto-diet” published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.