Happy relationship: These factors are for couples, especially important

A relationship means Affection, trust and togetherness – but to find the right Partner, is not so easy.

For more than half of the people, it is difficult for a potential Partner to meet. But what are the key learning phases fail?

The Online matchmaking ‘Parship’ begrafte 1.010 persons between the ages of 18 and 65 years, about their attitudes to topics such as Dating, Infidelity or plans for the future. 674 of the respondents lived at that time in a relationship.

Dating often takes place in the circle of friends

Men and women can’t be friends – is this a little outdated-seeming folk wisdom really something to it?

In fact, 61 percent of all respondents have met their Partner or Ex-Partner in the circle of friends. However, women seem to fall in love with the results of the survey, according to be faster in a friend than men.

However, a virtual interview is for many Germans the easier way, a future Partner to get to know. 38 percent of men and 33 percent of women met their Partner on the Internet.

Less success verprechend on the other hand seems to be of your own work to the potential partners to meet.

Overall, only 29 percent of respondents reported their Partner during working hours, to know – and it is predominantly men.

Between One-Night Stands and key stages of learning

To find a Partner with whom you want to his time and future in parts, is not always easy. This view men and women equally represented, with a total of 57 percent.

But it has only met once, a nice man, quickly raises the question of in which pace to get to know each other.

Women in particular need to meet only once more, until you can allow intimacies (78 percent). However, the majority of men need a sufficient characteristic the learning phase, until you can just the Over hung.

One-Night Stands are, in contrast, respondents are less interesting: a Total of 12 percent of the participants were more likely to have One-Night Stands, without a firm commitment. This is likely to be men than women.

Humor is more important than the appearance

The first impression is often quite superficial, finally, you see a man in the first rule, before you talk to him – the appearance is, for many people, accordingly, is of importance.

63 percent of participants believe that the appearance, therefore, as an important criterion for the choice of the potential partner. In this point, men (66 percent) and women (61 percent) are relatively in agreement.

But to be able to laugh together, seems to be for all of the respondents to be significantly more important than the appearance: For 93 percent of the women in the Humor of a potential partner is particularly important. In the case of men, around 89 percent are.

Money and the Status of a Person are in the phase of learning, however, is less interesting, but not completely unimportant. Every Fourth judge on the basis of this criterion, about his Opposite – it is more to women than to men.

Gallery: 20 things couples together experienced should have

Jealousy is often an issue in the relationship

Trust is a fundamental building block for a happy relationship.

Nevertheless – or just therefore – also plays jealousy in a lot of relationships have an important role: 38% of the participants indicate that they are quickly jealous. However, women are well represented, with 43 percent more likely than men (33 percent).

The jealousy seems to be always for a reason – 52 percent of the women surveyed said that they have already been deceived by your Partner. 49 percent of the men were ever betrayed.

But what about your own Loyalty? About 34 percent of the respondents have cheated on their Partner or Ex-Partner. Men do more frequently (36 percent), women 33 percent) but just behind it (.

Children are more important than weddings

Every relationship is built on common goals and Dreams. For some, a house belongs to the future, while others look for a common dog.

However, for the majority of the respondents ‘ own children are an integral part of the future.

For around 67 percent of children are the symbol of a full life. Women expressed this desire with 70 percent more than her male Opposite (65 percent).

However, a relationship does not mean necessarily a wedding: Only one-half of the respondents think a wedding is an important sign of happiness in love. So you can imagine 50 percent of the respondents, to be without a marriage certificate to be happy.

Michelle Steinmetz

*The post “Happy relationship: These factors are published for couples is especially important” from FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.