Better than Espresso: study shows why filter coffee is much healthier

The Trend is, who would have thought, back to filter coffee. And the results of a recent study could make the classic even more popular, according to coffee filter can even reduce the risk of developing type 2 Diabetes. Consumed regularly, it should have a positive effect on blood sugar levels. However, what drink gives you that effect when filtered Hot? (Read also: So many cups of coffee you should drink, according to a study of the day)

Coffee filter x Diabetes: study a new result

First of all, the result of the study by the Chalmers University of Technology and Umeå University in Sweden, among other things, the magazine “Science Daily” quoted doesn’t sound new. In previous studies, the effects of coffee on the blood were made out of sugar levels. This time, the filter coffee stands in the focus. Because only these have lower according to the results of the scientists from Sweden, in fact, the property, the risk of Diabetes type 2. Important: The study distinguishes between boiled coffee, the powder is directly poured over with boiling water in Sweden, a common form of Preparation – and a coffee filter. In the latter case, the water no longer boils in the rule.

For the study, plasma samples were tested in the framework of an intervention programme. “We have identified certain molecules – so called biomarkers – in the blood of subjects, indicating the consumption of various types of coffee. These biomarkers will be used to calculate in the analysis of the risk of type 2 Diabetes”, it is Rikard land, mountain, Professor of Food Science at Chalmers cited. “Our results clearly show that filter coffee has a positive effect when it comes to reducing the risk of type 2 Diabetes. But boiled coffee does not have this effect.” (Also read: coffee after getting Up? Why an expert advises against it)

Filter coffee can reduce Diabetes risk by up to 60 percent

And the effect is clear: two to three cups of filter coffee a day will reduce the risk of developing type 2 Diabetes by 60 percent, compared with people who drink less than a Cup of filter coffee of the day. The effect of boiled coffee, however, was equal to zero.

Why is the Filter-variant-is now in the blood sugar level and thus Diabetes risk, since the researchers are still not sure. Sure is only, that in the case of the preparation by the coffee filter certain molecules, so-called diterpenes are caught. This can be according to other studies for an elevated risk of heart disease responsible. In boiled coffee, these diterpenes are included, because the Filter is eliminated of the effect this could have for the bad reputation of coffee in terms of health is ensured. However, whether these molecules also have a negative impact on the blood sugar level and thus in direct connection with the Diabetes-risk-effect of a coffee filter could also be used in this study so far, not clearly documented, it is said in “Science Daily”.

Important: For study other preparation forms such as Espresso or coffee Pods not included. Because they were used by the Swedish volunteers barely. But since no Filter is used, the researchers according to “Science Daily” that the effect on the Diabetes risk could be similar as in the case of the boiled coffee.

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