Menopause: Hormone patch instead of pills?

Who suffers in the menopause under depressive moods, hot flashes or sleep disturbances, which can be used to provide hormone replacement therapy relief. Many women take a stand against the complaints of the tablets, however, can have side effects, as a new study shows.

Hormone replacement therapy with pills, according to a new study, in contrast to administration via the skin at a higher risk for venous thrombosis and embolism. These side effects occur rarely, but can be very dangerous.

Researchers from Nottingham have now investigated whether the form of administration of hormones make a difference, and they have been successful With Patches, creams, and Gels you could find no increased risk for thrombosis. Keep an administration of hormones through the skin, therefore, for the safest method, especially for women with an increased risk of thrombosis. In the case of the taking of hormone tablets, the risk of thrombosis compared to women without hormone replacement therapy was 58 percent &ndash increases; no matter, whether it was Estrogen or combination preparations.

The scientists had analyzed data from 80.396 women with and 391.494 without thrombosis. Seven percent of women who have had thrombosis, had received in the three months prior to that, hormone replacement therapy, where more than three-quarters had used you tablets.