Diabetes: Less carbs, more sugar values

A moderate change of diet to less carbs, more protein and fat, improved in type 2 diabetic patients, important laboratory values, even though they lost no weight. This is contrary to a long current recommendations for type 2 diabetics.

A six-week diet with less carbohydrates, lots of protein and slightly higher fat content improved in patients with Diabetes, the blood sugar control. This Danish researchers report in the journal Diabetologia. The HbA1c, the &quot fell;Langzeitblutzuckerwert", the average blood sugar level over the last two months information. In addition, the blood sugar level at Morning (fasting blood sugar) and after meals is lower and also the fat content in the liver and the pancreas decreased. The changes showed that although the participants had not decreased.

Dr. med. Thure Krarup, of the division of endocrinology in the hospital, Bispebjerg said: "By reducing the carbohydrate content in the diet and the percentage of protein and fat increases, both high blood sugar levels treat as well as the fat content of the liver to reduce." Since most of the newly diagnosed type 2 diabetics are overweight, you are advised to a diet that focuses on weight loss. The new study’s results provide diet recommendations in question, the recommended for losing weight fat reduction. For the study, 28 patients were the effects of two diets, respectively, after six weeks compared to one another: In the low-carbohydrate diet, the energy was obtained to 30 percent from carbohydrates, 30 percent protein and 40 percent fat. For comparison, a diet with 50 percent of the energy from carbohydrates, 17% from protein and 33 percent from fat served.