Doctors explained how the weather affects heart health

It turns out that not every weather is equally beneficial for humans.

Sometimes the weather can trigger a heart attack. Scientists have told what climatic conditions are the most dangerous for human health.

Research in this area was conducted by Scottish researchers from the largest university in Glasgow. As a result, it turned out what the weather threatens to heart attacks.

According to the researchers, the temperature regime has the most direct influence on human well-being. Thus, a significant cooling affects the occurrence of diseases that are associated with the cardiovascular system. Low temperatures can pose an increased risk of death during a heart attack. Risks are tripled.

It is noted that in bad weather, blood pressure also increases. If there is no sunlight, then besides this, negative consequences for the attack are created. The risk of this disease increases if the temperature drops 10 degrees. It is this decrease in temperature indices that increases human pressure by three to six millimeters. This, according to scientists, increases the likelihood of a heart attack or even a stroke.

In this regard, experts advised people with increased risk or poor heredity as rarely as possible to be in the cold or cool. Heart problems can also be resolved in a medicamental way. Canadian pharmacy online offers the cheapest prices.