This 4-Move Circuit Will Blast Your Legs

This circuit from Marcus Filly, CrossFit Games alum and Revival Strength head coach, will absolutely destroy your quads.

“This leg day crusher combines a little bit of everything,” he says. “Double leg, single-leg, isometric, quad focused, and grunt work.”

Awesomely enough, for everything the routine has going on, it’s simple to execute: Perform 5 rounds of the following four exercises, resting for 30 seconds between exercises and 2 minutes between rounds. If that’s too much for you, you can start with fewer rounds or take bigger breaks between rounds.

1. Dumbbell Heel-Elevated Narrow-Stance Squat

8 to 10 reps

2. Dual Kettlebell Rack Wall Sit

Hold for 30 to 40 seconds

3. Skater Squat

6 to 8 reps per leg

4. Reverse Sled Drag

30 meters

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